I found this Android App from UberMusic that mimics the ZuneHD interface. It’s pretty slick! I love my Zune and to be able to have the same looking interface on my Android phone is awesome! And since I have a Nexus S with a large 4″ screen it looks cool. It’s not free, however and it will set you back $3.49.
Here are the key features:
– Fully skinnable (search for “UberMusic Skin” on the Market).
– Automatically downloads artist pictures and sets them as the screen background for that artist.
– 6 different widget sizes. The widget is fully skinnable too.
– Free live wallpaper included that shows album art from your music collection.
– You can click on the “Play” button next to an artist, album, playlist, etc. to directly play all the corresponding tracks.
– True shuffling (as opposed to just choosing a track at random) that avoids playing the same song twice.
– Super smooth interface with custom overscrolling on lists.
– Scrobbling support through the official Last.fm app or through ScrobbleDroid/SLS.
– You can choose which tabs to show on the Library screen.
– Custom minimalistic status bar that you can still swipe down to see your notifications.